LatinX in CV (LXCV) Workshop at ECCV 2022

This is an official workshop of the LatinX in AI (LXAI) organization, known as LatinX in Computer Vision (LXCV) at ECCV, which will be hosted virtually on Monday, October 24th, 2022.

ECCV is being hosted in Tel Aviv, Israel

The workshop is a one-day event with invited speakers, oral presentations, and posters. The event brings together faculty, graduate students, research scientists, and engineers for an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas. There will be a panel discussion and a mentoring session to discuss current research trends and career choices in computer vision. 

While all presenters will identify primarily as LatinX, all are invited to attend. LatinX in AI encourages applications for financial support to attend. It must be noted that the Latinx in AI organization can provide financial support for attending the conference, either in the form of registration fees or other travel expense, if you have any questions feel free to contact us


We strongly encourage students, post-docs and researchers who primarily identify as LatinX , working anywhere in the world in all areas of Computer Vision to submit work describing new ideas, work-in-progress as well as previously or concurrently published research. 

We welcome submissions in theoretical and methodological contributions, but also applications. While the presenting author need not be the first author of the work, we encourage authors to highlight the contribution of Latinx individuals — particularly the presenting author — in the abstract. While the event focuses primarily on researchers who identify as Latinx, everyone is invited to attend. 

Topics of interest include all aspects of computer vision and pattern recognition, for guidance, you can check the topics of interest of conferences such as ECCV, CVPR, and ICCV

We accept the following kind of submissions

  • Extended abstracts: Up to seven (7) pages excluding references. They can present work in progress, exploratory/preliminary research or already published work, or any relevant computer vision applications for Latinamerica. Accepted papers in this track will not be archived in the ECCV workshop proceedings and can be published in another venue in the future.

Submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed and should be submitted as a single PDF file. The submissions should strictly follow the guidelines provided by the ECCV 2022 Author Kit to avoid the risk of being rejected without consideration of their merits. Submissions must state the research problem, motivation, and technical contribution. All submissions must be self-contained and include all figures, tables, and references. 

Authors of all accepted papers/abstracts will be asked to present their work in a poster session. A few authors will be selected to give 10–15 minute oral presentations.

The submission deadlines for the full papers and extended abstracts as well as other important dates are given below. Please note that no extensions will be offered for submissions.


REGISTRATION GRANTS to attend the workshop and ECCV  will be provided to the poster and DC presenters, as well as general attendees, apply (more details will be given later)

The aim of the first version of the LXCV workshop at ECCV ( previous editions have been held at CVPR 2021 and 2022 and ICCV 2021)  is to serve as a forum to develop relationships among the diverse members of the LatinX community and the ECCV community at large. Our concrete objectives are outlined as follows:

  • Provide a discussion and support space for LatinX to share their academic, industrial, cultural, and social challenges. We aim to have a call for extended abstracts and provide invited talks from Latinx professionals and researchers.

  • Highlight prominent Latinx researchers and allies through keynote presentations. This is also an opportunity for junior professionals to connect with senior researchers and be exposed to potential role models.

  • Provide resources and opportunities for career growth in our community.

Raising the visibility of women researchers within the LatinX community as they might face unique barriers of entry that lead to a lack of representation within the community. 

In this edition, we have two kinds of talks during the event:

1) Keynote speakers featuring the typical well-established researchers in the computer vision community.

2) Featured speakers to showcase exciting and talented early career researchers. For example, people at the beginning of his career (Assistant Professors, junior research scientist & Eng); people with less than 1000 citations in Google Scholar; core developers or maintainers of outstanding infrastructure contributions in CV, e.g., challenges/benchmarks, datasets, open-source libraries; or prominent senior researchers at the regional level but not necessarily established in CVPR & ECCV.

Please note that we will have a call for posters, without papers, there will not be a call for papers, unlike previous versions of this workshop.

The speakers can be living and working anywhere in the world. Still, they would have to identify as LatinX and work in CV (Academia, Industry, Entrepreneurship, or Politics) to be considered. 

We will be hosting a doctoral consortium (more details here) and poster session (for details see here). Registration grants to attend the workshop and ECCV will be provided for general attendees, as well as for doctoral consortium and poster presenters. More details will be given soon!

Some of the topics covered by the workshop are as follows:

● Datasets and evaluation 

● Explainable AI, fairness, accountability, privacy, transparency, and ethics in vision

● Image and video retrieval 

● Image classification

● Machine learning architectures and formulations 

● Scene analysis and understanding 

● Transfer, low-shot, semi-and unsupervised learning 

● Video analysis and understanding 

● Vision + language, vision + other modalities 

● Vision applications and systems, vision for robotics and autonomous vehicles

Important Dates (11h59 PM PST)

Extended abstract

September 26, 2022: Abstract Paper Submission Deadline EXTENDED

October 1, 2022: Notification of Submission Acceptances

October 15, 2022: Camera-ready Submissions

Doctoral Consortium

October 2, 2022: Application Submission Deadline EXTENDED

October 10, 2022: Notification of Acceptance

September 15 - October 15: Mentoring Sessions

October 10, 2022: Presentation Materials Submission


LXCV is in need of key support for all the activities that LXAI brings to our community. Volunteers are scheduled as needed for specific roles including registration table, timekeeper, social media liaison, MC, or on-call for 2-4 hour time periods on the day of the workshop. We will require volunteers to help in the organization in the days before the workshop in roles such as advertisement design. We will give priority to registration grants for our volunteers, so we strongly recommend that you apply using the link below.



LatinX in AI is committed to supporting LatinX & Hispanic individuals from all around the world. This year since the workshop and ECCV conference will be virtual, we want to ensure that our workshop is accessible to everyone, no matter where they live. As such, we are happy to provide support for registration fees and internet data grants to help those that have financial needs. If you believe you need financial assistance to cover your internet/data expenses or to virtually register to ECCV, please make sure to fill out these applications as accurately and truthfully as possible.


  • Laura Fernández Robles

    Laura Fernández Robles is an Associate Professor and researcher at the University of León since 2021, where she started as a lecturer in 2012. In 2016, she received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and from the University of León, Spain. In 2011, she received her M.Sc. degree in Intelligent Systems in Engineering and in 2009 in Industrial Engineering both at the University of León.

    She has participated in 3 European projects and 4 Spanish projects, among others. She is a co-author in 31 indexed journal publications, 30 contributions in international conferences, and 20 in national conferences. Moreover, she is co-inventor of 7 patents, 4 of which are licensed to companies. She has also been the supervisor of 3 Ph.D. Thesis, and is currently supervising another one. Her current research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, and data science applied to industrial, cyber-security, medical, and animal ethology problems.

  • Cecilia Danesi

    Researcher and Professor of “Tort Law” and “Artificial Intelligence and Law” and Deputy Director for the post-graduate program AI and Law and Metaverse and Gaming at the University of Buenos Aires. Co-director for the postgraduate program “Diversity and Innovation” at the University of San Andres. Deputy Director of the Law Health Institute at the San Isidro Bar Association. Coordinator at the IALAB (PROMETEA) and ENTED. Researcher in the “EU & Ethics Governance of the Artificial Intelligence” and “EU Diplomacy 4 Digital Age. Thinking an EU Techplomacy Policy for a Global Governance 4.0” at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Editorial board at the “Journal of Law, Market & Innovation”. Ambassador of the Women Economic Forum Argentina. Director of the journal: “Emerging technologies, AI and Law”. TEDx Speaker."

  • Celia Cintas

    Celia Cintas is a Research Scientist at IBM Research Africa - Nairobi. She is a member of the AI Science team at the Kenya Lab. Her current research explores subset scanning for anomalous pattern detection under generative models and the improvement of ML techniques to address challenges in Global Health. Previously, a grantee from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council at LCI-UNS and IPCSH-CONICET. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Universidad del Sur (Argentina).

  • Daniela Charris-Stand

    Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Electronics Engineering. Currently working as R&D Engineer and head of the Analytics Department at Ebenezer Technologies. Participated in several artificial intelligence projects applied to improve security and video surveillance monitoring. Tasks include to design and implement approaches in different techniques of computer vision: object recognition, classification, tracking, pose estimation and action recognition.

  • Gisella Bejarano

    Gissella finished her Doctorate studies at Binghamton University and completed a Master's in Computer Science at the same university thanks to a Fulbright Scholarship. Gissella’s research has focused on sign language processing and machine learning for smart cities. She has lectured at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). She was co-director of REPU Computer Science, a program that offers research experiences for Peruvian undergraduates in USA and Europe research labs. Gissella has experience working as an industry and government consultant in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.



Viktoria Bodnarova is one of the two Regional Coordinators for EURAXESS Latin America & Caribbean, based in Bogota, Colombia, as of 2022. Her main role is to inform the community of researchers of all scientific domains and nationalities based in Latin America and the Caribbean about the funding and career opportunities the European Research Area (ERA) offers (European, national or regional funding opportunities). The second role Viktoria holds is the EURAXESS Worldwide Outreach Liaison in order to reinforce the synergies, links and co-design of activities and actions between Europe and the Worldwide offices. Prior to her current position, she was the Regional Representative for EURAXESS North America and led the office for 7 years. Between 2008 and 2013, Viktoria was a Project Manager and EURAXESS Network Coordinator at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Born in Slovakia, Viktoria holds a Master of Arts degree in International Relations and European Studies from the Metropolitan University in Prague. She was an international student herself in the UK, France, US, and Canada and speaks six languages.


Beth Clifford is a Talent Partner located in Salt Lake City, UT, and recruits university students for positions in Adobe Research. She's a lifelong activist and tries to educate - both herself and others - on issues around intersectionality, historically marginalized communities, and eliminating biases throughout the interview process and beyond.



Title Presenting Author Affiliation Presentation Type
A semi-supervised Teacher-Student framework for surgical tool detection and localization Mansoor Ali Teevno Tecnológico de Monterrey Poster
Action Unit Intensity Regression for Real-Time Hybrid Facial MoCap Aimed Towards Digital Human Carlos Vilchis Tecnológico de Monterrey Poster
Boosting kidney stone identification using two-step transfer learning in endoscopic images Juan Pablo Betancur-Rengifo, Arturo Ruiz-Sanchez Tecnológico de Monterrey Poster
Assessment of traditional for magnetic resonance angiography imaging Daniela Herrera Tecnológico de Monterrey Poster
Boosting Self-supervised Video-based Human Action Recognition Through Knowledge Distillation Fernando Camarena Tecnológico de Monterrey Poster
Detection of Antillean Manatees in UAV Footage using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Kenji Contreras Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Poster
Enhanced Medical Image Explainability with Causal Graphs Daniel Flores-Araiza Tecnológico de Monterrey Poster
Impact of Pose Estimation Models for landmark-based Sign Language Recognition Joe Huamani Pontifical Catholic University of Peru Poster
Interpretable Deep Learning Classifier by Detection of Prototypical Parts on Kidney Stones Images Daniel Flores-Araiza Tecnológico de Monterrey Poster
Knowledge distillation with a class-aware loss for endoscopic disease detection Pedro E. Chavarrias-Solano Tecnológico de Monterrey Poster
LDC Lightweight Dense CNN for Edge Detection Xavier Soria National University of Chimborazo Poster
Moviecuts: A dataset for cut- type recognition Alejandro Pardo King Abdullah University of Science and Techonology Poster
One-shot Learning for Human Affordance Detection Abel Pacheco-Ortega, Walterio Mayol-Cuevas University of Bristol Poster
PrivHAR: Recognizing Human Actions From Privacy-preserving Lens Carlos Hinojosa Universidad Industrial de Santander, Standford University Poster
Reliable Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization and Uncertainty Evaluation Maria Pantoja California Polytechnic State University Poster
Semantically Aware Neural Network Image Compression for Underwater Surveillance Débora Debiaze Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) Poster
Towards Real-time Semantic Stereo in Forests with Deep Neural Networks Guilherme V. Nardari, Roseli A. F. Romero University of São Paulo Poster


Workshop Chairs

Operation and Logistics Chairs

Matias Valdenegro (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

Gilberto Ochoa-Ruiz (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico)

Program Committee Chairs

Carlos Hinojosa (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia)

Fernando Wario (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy)

Fabian Caba (Adobe Research, USA)

Doctoral Consortium and Mentoring Program

Rodolfo Valiente Romero (University of Central Florida, USA)

Gildardo Sanchez Ante (Tec de Monterrey, Mexico)

Wayner Barrios (Darmouth)

Presentation Chairs

Miguel Gonzalez  (Tecnológico de Monterrey, México)

Estefania Talavera (University of Twente, Netherlands)

Public Relations and Website

Francisco López-Tiro (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico)

Maria Luisa Santiago (, USA)

Sponsors and Finance

Eduardo Ulises Moya (Gobierno de Jalisco, Mexico)

Eric Tokuda (University of Oxford)

Amanda Duarte (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

Volunteer Chairs

Giancarlo Yuvini Pablo De Leon (Univ. Centroamericana Jose Simeon Cañas/Mpacto Labs)

Lidia Talavera Martínez (Universitat de les Illes Balears)











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