LatinX in AI Social at ICLR 2021

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LatinX in AI will host a 2-days virtual social co-located with the International Conference on Learning Representations.

*Registration to ICLR is not required to attend our social but is highly encouraged. If you feel like you need assistance, LatinX in AI (LXAI) is offering Registration Assistance to the ICLR 2021 Main Conference*




This LatinX in AI (LXAI) social is aimed at LatinX individuals working on or interested in AI with a goal to increase the visibility of researchers of LatinX origin. Those already working in AI will have the opportunity to connect with fellow LatinX and make their own work known, while those new to the field will benefit from the scientific exchange, guidance and advice of researchers with their same background. Participants will be able to engage in discussions about AI (formal and informal) and to share their thoughts on how to increase the presence of LatinX in AI.

During this social, we’ll feature invited talks from prominent LatinX in AI community members and host roundtable discussions facilitating conversations among attendees.



Roundtable Discussions

We’ll be hosting roundtables via the space and facilitating these discussions in English, Spanish, and Portuguese to accommodate the native languages of our community members.





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Social Chairs:

  • Sara Iris Garcia Adjunct Lecturer, Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala (UMG)

  • Dennis Núñez Fernández Research Assistant, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH)

  • Javier Turek Research Scientist in AI, Intel Labs

  • Maria Luisa Santiago Operations and Logistics Coordinator,

  • Laura Montoya Executive Director, Accel AI Institute, President, LatinX in AI (LXAI)

Become an LXAI Member Today!