LatinX in AI Research at NeurIPS 2024

The 7th Annual Latinx in AI Research workshop will be held on December 10th, 2024, as a part of the Thirty-eighth annual Neural Information Processing Systems conference, held Monday Dec 9th through Sunday Dec 15th, 2024 at the Vancouver Convention Center. The workshop will embrace an hybrid format, welcoming attendees both onsite and virtually.

Call for Participation

The workshop is a one-day event with invited speakers, oral presentations, and posters. The event brings together faculty, graduate students, research scientists, and engineers for an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas. There will be a panel discussion and a mentoring session to discuss current research trends and career choices in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. While all presenters will identify primarily as LatinX, all are invited to attend.

Attendance Options

The LatinX in AI Workshop will be a Hybrid Event with a physical component at the Vancouver Convention Center, and a virtual component occurring simultaneously.

Important Dates

Mentorship Program Deadline to Apply (Mentor Form - Mentee Form) - September 20th, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Program Committee Application Deadline (Application form) - September 23th, 2024
Paper Submission Deadline (Submission website) - September 27th, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Program Committee Application Acceptance Notification - September 30th, 2024
Registration & Travel Grant Application Deadline (Application form) - October 6th, 2024
Volunteering Application Deadline (Application form) - October 6th, 2024
Paper Submission Acceptance Notification - October 18th, 2024
Registration & Travel Grant Acceptance Notification - October 21th, 2024
Volunteering Application Acceptance Notification - October 28th, 2024
Paper Final Manuscript Submission Deadline - November 19th, 2024
Workshop Day - December 10th, 2024

* Dates are subject to change, so please keep track of our latest schedule published above.



We strongly encourage students, post-docs, and researchers who primarily identify as Latinx in all areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to submit a paper describing new research. We welcome paper submissions in theory, methodology, and applications. We also welcome papers currently under preparation or submitted for review elsewhere, as the purpose of this workshop is to disseminate LatinX in AI work within the broader community.

While the presenting author need not be the first author of the work, we encourage authors to highlight the contribution of Latinx individuals — particularly the presenting author. While the event focuses primarily on researchers who identify as Latinx, everyone is invited to attend. Authors are also encouraged to sign up to review for LXAI, with a sign-up option available upon submission.

Authors of accepted papers will be asked to present their work in a poster session. A set of selected papers will be chosen to give 5–15 minute oral and spotlight presentations. All accepted paper submissions will be published as workshop proceedings by LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research.

Scope and Topics:

  • Computer vision

  • Deep learning

  • Knowledge reasoning

  • Machine learning

  • Multi-agent systems

  • Natural language processing

  • Statistical reasoning

  • Theory

  • Robotics

  • Reinforcement Learning

  • Generative AI

  • Large Language Models (LLMs)

  • Meta-Learning, one-shot, and few-shot learning

  • Applications of AI to specific domains

  • AI fairness

  • AI ethics

  • AI limitations and challenges

  • Machine learning Systems

  • Neuroscience

    ps: Topics that were not mentioned on this previous list can also be considered.


This year we are using OpenReview to manage submissions and the corresponding peer-review process by our program committee. All submissions must be made in the double-blind format (that is, the identity or institution of the authors should not be revealed in any way in the manuscript). For the LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research Workshop @ NeurIPS 2024 we are accepting two kinds of submissions:

Full-papers: 4 to 8 pages excluding references. We allow supplementary material in another file. Accepted papers of this kind will be part of the official NeurIPS workshop proceedings and will be presented in the workshop. Note that these papers are expected to present novel research. If the length of the paper is less than 4 pages, it automatically will be considered as a short paper.

Short-papers: Up to 4 pages excluding references. No supplementary material will be allowed. They can present work in progress, exploratory/preliminary research or already published work, or any relevant artificial intelligence applications for Latin America.

Appendix: In full papers, your submission may contain an appendix with a maximum of 3 pages. You may use this appendix to include details on your experimental setups, complementary results, additional theorem proofs, etc. Please note that reviewers are not required to read the appendix sections. Thus, the main content of your submission should remain mostly self-contained.

Style: Papers must follow the guidelines provided by the NeurIPS 2024 Latex Style Template. Submissions should state the research problem, motivation, and technical contribution. All submissions must be in English. The paper should be sent in a single PDF file (including references). Additional material can be included in a separate file.

(Optional) Source code: We encourage authors of accepted submissions to provide a link to their source code. To maintain a double-blind review process, you will be allowed to submit or link your code in the camera-ready stage.

Desk rejection: Submissions that do not follow the length or style requirements above shall be automatically rejected without consideration of their merits.

Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that if the paper should be accepted, at least one of the authors needs to register for the conference and present the work.

Submit your paper(s) in PDF format at the submission site:

*The submission deadline is September 23rd Anywhere on Earth.


Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 reviewers in the area. Must be blind for the double-blind review process. Specifically, we allow two types of submissions: archival and non-archival.

Archival: Accepted works will be published in the Journal of LatinX in AI Research as proceedings. See JLXAIR open-access copyright guidelines.

Non-archival: Authors may choose to opt out of our official publication process. In this case, the work will still be listed as presented at this workshop but not listed in our official proceedings or issued a DOI for citation tracking purposes.

Accepted Papers



Posters Guidelines

For this year’s event, the size of the poster should be 24 inches (wide) by 36 inches (height), i.e., in portrait mode. Each poster should include the LXAI and NeurIPS logos. Additional instructions can be found in the shared website, but please note that that we will be able to provide poster boards.

The logos can be found following this link: LXAI and NeurIPS logos.

Keynote Speakers


Mentoring Program

LatinX in AI is hosting a new mentoring program alongside our official workshops. The LatinX in AI Mentoring Program requires mentors and mentees to meet once a month. The program for this cohort has begun, but we continue to accept applications throughout the year. Thank you for your interest!

  • Deadline to apply to mentorship program: Sep 20, 2024

LatinX in AI Workshop Sponsors

We would like to thank the following sponsors for their contributions towards making the LatinX in AI Workshop at NeurIPS 2024 possible. For sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at:




Organizing Committee

  • General Chairs Ana Maria Quintero Ossa (Nu Bank), Daniel Otero (Exit83 Consulting)

  • Mentorship Chairs Josimar Chire (Research4tech/Instituto Federal de Goias), Vladimir Araujo (Sailplane AI)

  • Presentation Chairs Jose Antonio Cantoral Ceballos (Tecnologico de Monterrey), Rafael Mateus Carrion (Exit83 Consulting)

  • Program Chairs Cleber Zanchettin (Federal University of Pernambuco/Northwestern University), Felipe Leno da Silva (Lawrence Livermore National Lab), Lesly Miculicich (Google)

  • Public Relations Chairs Heitor Rapela Medeiros (ETS Montreal), Rosa Yuliana Gabriela Paccotacya Yanque (Universidad Católica San Pablo), Yaro Celis (YCO Productions)

  • Social Chairs Isabel Metzger (NYU), Juan Camilo Ramirez De Los Rios (University of Montreal/Mila)

  • Sponsor & Finance Chairs Javier Turek (Intel), Juan Guillermo León Cagüeñas (Nu Bank), Manuel Ignacio Pérez Carrasco (Centro de datos e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad de Concepción)

  • Visa Chairs Abel Andres Reyes-Angulo (Michigan Technological University), Karla Caballero (Sirius XM)

  • Volunteer Chairs Albert Manuel Orozco Camacho (Concordia University/Mila - Québec AI Institute), Ignacio Gabriel Bugueno-Cordova (University of Chile/University of O'Higgins)

Become an LXAI Member Today!